“Cannabis use and alcohol use disorders in sober living houses”
Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports examination of the link between cannabis and alcohol use in SLHs. We used data from 205 residents in 28 Los Angeles SLHs from 2021-2023. We found that participants with alcohol use disorder (AUD) who used cannabis had an increased likelihood of drinking, more drinking days, and alcohol-related issues.
“Big Five Inventory Personality Traits, the Social Environment, and Helping”
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly article on social, environment and personality factors associated with giving and receiving help among 205 sober living house (SLH) residents in Los Angeles. Regression models showed the strength of the social model recovery environment (measured by the RHES) and three personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion) were predictors of helping in different contexts.
“Cannabis use and alcohol and drug outcomes in a longitudinal sample of sober living house residents in California”
Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment paper on cannabis use by residents in sober living houses and its relationship to recovery outcomes. During each assessment period, almost one-fifth of individuals residing in sample of California sober living houses report using cannabis in the past six months. Cannabis does not appear to work as a substitute for alcohol or other drugs in this population because cannabis use is related to increased risk of alcohol and other drug use and problems.
"Reasons for choosing sober living houses and their associations with substance use recovery outcomes"
Addictive Behavior Reports paper on reasons for choosing SLHs and how these reasons were related to recovery outcomes. The most common reasons were affordability and living with others in recovery. Reasons for choosing sober living houses were not related to use and length of stay.
Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) 47th Annual Scientific Meeting
“Emotional & Instrumental Helping”
“Poster Presentation: “How Do Individual Characteristics Impact Helping Behaviors for Sober Living House Residents?”
College of Problems on Drug Dependence (CPDD) 86th Annual Scientific Meeting
2024 CPDD poster Zemore
CPDD 2024 Poster presentation "Benefits of Helping in Three Contexts for Maintaining Recovery among Sober Living House Residents"
2024 CPDD poster Subbaraman
CPDD 2024 Poster presentation "Cannabis is not a Substitute for Other Drugs among Sober Living House Residents"
2024 CPDD poster Mahoney
CPDD 2024 Poster presentation "How Do Individual Characteristics Impact Helping Behaviors for Sober Living House Residents?"
National Conference on Addiction Recovery Science Conference
Presentation "How is the Next Type of Housing Associated with Outcomes for Sober Living House Residents?”
“Examined how LOS at SLHs is related to the recovery outcomes of abstinence, recovery capital, psychiatric symptoms, and legal problems. Compared outcomes for residents who stayed less than six months to those who stayed six months or longer. Both groups improved significantly, but those who stayed six months or longer had better outcomes.”
“We compared the scores for residents when they entered the SLH on measurements of giving and receiving help in 12-step, at SLHs, and with family/friends. We found that residents who gave help to others in that context tended to also receive help in that context. Those who helped in one context were also likely to report being involved with helping in another context. A limited number of demographics that included gender predicted helping behaviors.”
“Multilevel Paper: Individual, House, and Neighborhood Predictors of 12-Month Outcomes”
“Examined how SLH housing and neighborhood characteristics are related to abstinence and psychiatric symptoms over time. Neighborhood-level factors like increased availability of self-help groups and fewer nearby alcohol outlets may increase abstinence among individuals living in SLHs.”
7th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana
“Marijuana and Other Drugs”
Poster Presentation “Does Marijuana Use Impact Other Drug Outcomes for Sober Living House Residents?”
“Marijuana and Alcohol”
Poster Presentation “Cannabis Use and Alcohol Outcomes Among Sober Living House Residents in California”
Recovery Capital & Relapse
This analysis examined the results of 197 residents who experienced a relapse within six months of entering sober living houses. A greater level of recovery capital was associated with increased percentages of days abstinent and reduced severity of employment-related issues. Notably, individuals who relapsed and were no longer residing in the sober living houses exhibited a significant decline in their recovery capital between the initial assessment and the 6-month follow-up.
Social Model & SLH Research Review
This paper presents a discussion of recent research concerning Sober Living Houses, encompassing novel assessments developed to evaluate both their social and physical surroundings. The social model is swiftly advancing to encompass a wider array of intricate elements linked to outcomes.
SLH Neighborhoods and Recovery Outcomes
This paper examined neighborhood factors associated with recovery outcomes for SLH residents. SLH residents report more days abstinent and fewer psychiatric symptoms after six months. Even if residents have negative perceptions of the neighborhood, they can still have positive outcomes. Some neighborhood characteristics may help residents achieve better abstinence and greater recovery capital. Positive perceptions of the SLH’s neighborhood may help residents acquire more recovery capital.
Recovery Home Environment Scale (RHES)
8-item scale designed to measure the strength of social model recovery dynamics in recovery homes.
Psychometric Properties of the Recovery Home Environment Scale
Recovery Home Architecture Scale (RHAS)
25-item scale that draws from architectural literature depicting how to maximize space to serve various social functions. Includes Manual.
Measuring Architecture in Recovery Homes: Recovery Home Architecture Scale
Manual included in download.
APHA 2022 Conference Poster Presentations
Multi-level effects of environment and neighborhood factors on sober living house resident 12-month outcomes. 2 pages.
For people in recovery from alcohol and drugs, sober living houses (SLHs) offer an abstinence-based environment with others in recovery. Research on AA has shown helping behaviors were associated with improved outcomes. Helping behaviors may also be important for residents. 2 pages.